List Your Business Effortlessly with Openfair
Reach qualified buyers and maximize your sale potential.
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Experience a Seamless Listing Process
At Openfair, we streamline the process of listing your business, making it easy for you to connect with potential buyers. Our platform combines the latest AI technology with expert human analysis to ensure your listing gets the attention it deserves.
Why Choose Openfair
Expert Guidance
Our team provides personalized support and expert advice to help you through every step of the listing process.
Advanced AI Tools
Leverage our cutting-edge AI tools to enhance your listing's visibility and attract the right buyers.
Verified Buyer Network
Access a network of pre-vetted, serious buyers who are ready to invest in your business.

Why choose us

$500+ Million of Businesses Sold

Frequently Asked Questions

We provide expert guidance, AI-driven tools, and access to a network of verified buyers to streamline the listing process.

You'll need to provide basic business information, financial details, and Business Images.

Listing your business on Openfair is $149.99 per month and a 4% success fee when the business is sold.